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DWI Norway Market Rapport 2024

DWI Norway Market Report 2024

06. august 2024

Market data for 2024.


Tender first half 2025

05. august 2024

Twice a year Vinmonopolet release a list with tenders. They are looking for wines from specific areas with specific criteria. All who are producing this type of wine which they are searching for, are welcome to submit their products at Vinmonopolet, trhough their importer. For the first half of 2025, Vinmonopolet are looking for 8 wines from Germany. 

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Vinnerne av Mundus Vini Nordic 2023

02. oktober 2023

29 dommere fra 6 forskjellige land møtte i juni opp i Oslo for å smake seg gjennom nesten 300 tyske viner og for å kåre de aller beste. 9 tyske vinprodusenter har nå mottatt de gjeve prisene og vi har publisert video av alle vinnerne på vår facebook og Instagram.


Tender July-December 2023

02. desember 2022

Twice a year Vinmonopolet release a list with tenders. They are looking for wines from specific areas with specific criteria. All who are producing this type of wine which they are searching for, are welcome to submit their products at Vinmonopolet, trhough their importer. For the second half of 2023, Vinmonopolet are looking for 8 wines from Germany. 


Tender January-June 2023

09. juni 2022

Twice a year Vinmonopolet release a list with tenders. They are looking for wines from specific areas with specific criteria. All who are producing this type of wine wich they are searching for, are welcome to submit thier products at Vinmonopolet trhough their importer. For the first half of 2023 they are looking for 7 different wines from Germany. 


Tender July - December 2022

06. desember 2021

Twice a year Vinmonopolet release a list with tenders. They are looking for wines from specific areas with specified criteria. All who are producing this type of wine wich they are searching for, are welcome to submit their products at Vinmonopolet through their importer. For the second half of 2022 they are looking for 5 different wines from Germany. 


Tender January - June 2022

03. juni 2021

Twice a year Vinmonopolet release a list with tenders. They are looking for wines from specific areas with spcified criteria. All who are producing this type of wine wich they are searching for, are welcome to submit their products at Vinmonopolet through their importer. For the first half of 2022 they are looking for 9 different wines from Germany. 


Tender July - December 2021

02. desember 2020

Vinmonopolet releases a list twice a year with tenders. They search for wines from specific areas with specified criteria, and all who produce this certain type of wine are welcome to submit their products to Vinmonopolet through their importer. For the second half of 2021 they are looking for 6 different wines from Germany.


Tender January - June 2021

05. juni 2020

Vinmonopolet releases a list twice a year with tenders. They search for wines from specific areas with specified criteria, and all who produce this certain type of wine are welcome to submit their products to Vinmonopolet through their importer. For the first half of 2021 they are looking for 4 different wines from Germany.



Norwegian market report

06. mai 2020
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