Gode forhold for blomstrende vinranker i Tyskland

Publisert 23. juni 2021 av Johanna Falk | Oppdatert 16. august 2021

Nå står vinrankene i full blomst i alle Tysklands vinregioner. Takket være optimale værforhold fortsetter årets blomstringsperiode i en rasende fart. Faktum er at den allerede er fullendet noen steder hvor klimatet er varmere. Det gjelder spesielt også for drueplanter som utvikkler seg raskere og tidligere enn andre. 

Les pressemelding fra DWI her. 

In 2021 the vines began to bloom about eight to ten days later than the long-term average. On average, harvest commences 90 to 100 days after flowering. The main harvest for this year's vintage (2021) is therefore not expected to begin until mid-September. The first early-ripening grapes, used to produce so called "new wine" (partly fermented wine/ "Federweißer"), will most certainly be ready to be picked by the end of August.

Vine growth has literally exploded lately

The vintners follow the flowering of the vines with great excitement every year. If it goes without any problems, you can hope for a good harvest. Cool temperatures during the flowering phase will lead to lower fruit sets and correspondingly reduced yields.

Thanks to the summer temperatures of the last few weeks, the vine growth has literally exploded after the comparatively cool and damp spring. Sometimes the shoots have grown up to 30 cm in a week. For the winemakers, this means a lot of work in the vineyards, because the vines must be tied up quickly. This means that the shoots must be fixed in the wire frame so that the wind does not break them off.

Topical page: climate and weather

Artikkel fra: https://www.germanwines.de/

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